React, React News

New Features in React 18 to Improve Performance and Productivity

Welcome to the world of React in 2023! In this article, we’ll explore the thrilling new features and enhancements introduced in React,...

Written by Shivangi Rajde · 9 min read >
React 18

Welcome to the world of React in 2023! In this article, we’ll explore the thrilling new features and enhancements introduced in React, taking your web development journey to new heights. From Concurrent Mode to React Server Components, React Query Integration, and the enhanced React DevTools Profiler, we’ll delve into each innovation’s potential to transform your React applications. Get ready to be amazed by the cutting-edge tools that promise improved performance, seamless data management, and a smoother developer experience. Let’s dive in and discover the exciting React features that are the new features in React 18

Concurrent Mode

Concurrent Mode is an exciting new feature in React 18 that turbocharges the rendering process of React applications. This means your apps can load and respond faster, leading to happier users and better search engine rankings!

In the traditional React approach, when a component updates, React renders the entire tree of components underneath it. This can be slow and inefficient, especially for large and complex apps. Imagine a scenario where a user scrolls down a page – React would still render the entire page, even if only a small part of it changed.

But here’s where Concurrent Mode comes to the rescue! It allows React to render multiple components simultaneously. So, while React works on rendering the visible part of the page, it continues rendering the rest of the page in the background. This clever multitasking significantly improves performance, especially for complex apps.

The benefits of using Concurrent Mode are remarkable:

  1. Improved Performance: Your React app will be lightning-fast, reducing the waiting time for users.
  2. Increased Responsiveness: Even while users interact with your app, Concurrent Mode keeps it smooth and responsive.
  3. Reduced Blocking: Say goodbye to laggy experiences! Concurrent Mode minimizes blocking, making it perfect for real-time apps like games.

However, there are some important things to consider:

  1. Compatibility: Not all components play well with Concurrent Mode. Components that rely on rendering order (like those using the useLayoutEffect hook) may not be compatible.
  2. Bugs Caution: Since Concurrent Mode is relatively new, it might introduce some bugs. Always test your app thoroughly before full implementation.
  3. Complexity: Concurrent Mode introduces some complexity compared to traditional rendering. Be mindful of the rendering order and potential race conditions.

To harness the power of Concurrent Mode, remember to test your app carefully and consider its compatibility with your existing components. When implemented correctly, Concurrent Mode can be a game-changer, elevating your React app’s performance to new heights!

React Server Components

React Server Components (RSCs) are a fantastic new addition to React that can make your app load faster, giving your users a smoother experience. Let’s understand how they work and the benefits they bring.

In traditional React apps, everything is rendered on the client side. That means the browser must download all the JavaScript code, along with HTML, CSS, and images for the entire app before it starts rendering. This process can be time-consuming, especially for larger and more complex apps.

With RSCs, we’ve got a solution! They enable us to render some React components on the server side. So now, the browser only needs to download the JavaScript code for the RSCs, along with HTML, CSS, and images for the rest of the app. This significantly speeds up the app’s loading time, which is great for larger projects.

Let’s take a look at the benefits of using RSCs:

  1. Improved Performance: RSCs make your React app load faster, enhancing the overall performance and user experience.
  2. Reduced Bandwidth: By rendering some components on the server, RSCs can save bandwidth, which is especially useful for users on slower internet connections.
  3. Boosted SEO: Since the HTML for the rendered components is generated on the server, search engines can index it more effectively, boosting your app’s SEO.

Of course, like any technology, RSCs have some considerations:

  1. Compatibility: Not all components are compatible with RSCs. Some components relying on the client-side state, like those using the useState hook, won’t work with RSCs.
  2. Complexity: Working with RSCs might involve more complexity than traditional React rendering. Developers should be aware of component rendering order and potential race conditions.

Now, when might you want to use RSCs? Here are a few scenarios:

  1. Fast-loading Apps: RSCs are excellent for applications that need to load quickly, such as news websites or e-commerce platforms.
  2. Slow Internet Connections: If your app serves users with slow internet connections, like in developing countries or mobile apps, RSCs can significantly improve their experience.
  3. SEO-Friendly Apps: For apps aiming for better SEO, RSCs can help search engines index your content effectively.

Before diving into RSCs, consider these steps:

  1. Component Compatibility: Ensure your components are compatible with RSCs to avoid any issues.
  2. Understanding Rendering Order: Familiarize yourself with the rendering order and potential race conditions when working with RSCs.
  3. Thorough Testing: Always test your app thoroughly before fully implementing RSCs to ensure a smooth user experience.

With React Server Components, you can supercharge your app’s loading speed and enhance your SEO, providing a top-notch user experience for your audience!

React Query Integration

React Query Integration is a game-changing feature that streamlines data fetching in your React applications. By using React Query, you can effortlessly fetch data from APIs and keep your React components up-to-date with the latest information.

React Query is a widely-used library for data fetching in React apps. It offers a bunch of handy features that simplify API data retrieval, such as:

  1. Caching: React Query cleverly caches data fetched from APIs, reducing the number of requests to the server and boosting your app’s performance.
  2. Stale-while-revalidate: With this smart feature, your React components always show the freshest data. Whenever API data changes, React Query automatically fetches the updates and keeps your app in sync.
  3. Error Handling: React Query comes with robust error handling features, preventing errors from crashing your entire app when fetching data from APIs.

With React Query Integration, implementing React Query in your React apps becomes a breeze. It provides a set of hooks that simplify data fetching and seamlessly update your components with the latest data.

Let’s explore the benefits of using React Query Integration:

  1. Easier Data Fetching: React Query Integration offers convenient hooks that make data fetching from APIs a walk in the park.
  2. Improved Performance: With data caching, your app’s performance gets a significant boost, resulting in snappier user experiences.
  3. Error Prevention: React Query Integration’s error handling features help you manage errors gracefully, ensuring your app stays stable and user-friendly.

As with any tool, React Query Integration does have some considerations:

  1. Complexity: While React Query Integration is a powerful tool, it may have a slight learning curve due to the various hooks available and how to use them effectively.
  2. API Compatibility: Keep in mind that not all APIs are supported. React Query Integration relies on promises, which may not be supported by every API.

Now, let’s look at some use cases where React Query Integration shines:

  1. Frequent Data Fetching: For apps that require frequent data retrieval from APIs, React Query Integration makes the process effortless.
  2. Performance Improvement: If you want to supercharge your data fetching performance, React Query Integration is the way to go.
  3. Error Management: Apps handling API errors can benefit from React Query Integration’s robust error-handling features.

React Query Integration is a powerful tool that simplifies data fetching from APIs and keeps your React components updated with the latest information. Just be mindful of its complexities and API compatibility before implementing it.

Boost your React app’s performance, effortlessly fetch API data, and enjoy a more stable application with React Query Integration!

React DevTools Profiler Enhancements

The React DevTools Profiler is a must-have tool for all React developers! It’s like a powerful microscope for your app, helping you pinpoint performance issues and optimize your application. In 2023, the React DevTools Profiler got even better with exciting enhancements:

  1. Improved Performance: The profiler now runs like a cheetah, optimized to handle large and complex apps without slowing down.
  2. New Features: Discover more insights with the ability to profile Suspense components and track individual component performance.
  3. Better Visualization: The updated visualization makes it a breeze to understand how your React app performs.

With these enhancements, the React DevTools Profiler has become an essential asset for any React developer seeking to create high-performing applications.

Here’s how you benefit from using the React DevTools Profiler:

  1. Spot Performance Bottlenecks: Easily identify areas causing performance bottlenecks in your app. Once you know the culprits, you can optimize those parts of the code for a faster experience.
  2. Boost App Performance: Armed with insights, you can make targeted changes to your app, fine-tuning it for optimal speed and responsiveness.
  3. Efficient App Debugging: When your app isn’t behaving as expected, the profiler can be your detective, helping you find the problematic code and fix it.

In a nutshell, the React DevTools Profiler empowers you to understand your React app’s performance and make necessary improvements.

Let’s explore scenarios where the React DevTools Profiler can be your superhero:

  1. Performance Issues: When your React app feels sluggish, the profiler can quickly identify the root causes and lead you to speedy solutions.
  2. Optimization Quest: If you’re on a mission to optimize your app’s performance, the profiler’s insights will guide you to success.
  3. App Troubleshooting: When your app misbehaves, the profiler steps in to unravel the mystery, pointing you towards problem-solving paths.

The Enhanced React DevTools Profiler is a fantastic tool for profiling React applications. It helps you uncover performance bottlenecks, improve your app’s speed, and debug issues efficiently.

React Error Boundaries with Suspense

Error boundaries and Suspense are two powerful features in React that work together to enhance your app’s functionality and user experience.

Error Boundaries: Think of error boundaries as safety nets for your React components. They catch errors that occur in their child component tree and display a backup UI instead. This prevents errors from bringing down your entire app and provides a smoother user experience.

Suspense: Suspense is like a smart wait feature for components. It defers rendering until the necessary data or components are ready. This optimization prevents rendering components that aren’t fully prepared, ultimately improving your app’s performance.

React Error Boundaries with Suspense: Combining these two features is like having a superhero duo! By using Error Boundaries with Suspense, you can catch errors in Suspense components and gracefully handle them with fallback UIs.

To implement React Error Boundaries with Suspense, simply wrap your Suspense component in an error boundary like this:

const ErrorBoundary = () => {
  const [error, setError] = useState(null);

  return (
      <Suspense fallback={<Loading />}>
        <MyComponent />

In this example, if an error occurs in the MyComponent, the error boundary will catch it, and the fallback UI will take its place, ensuring a smooth user experience.

Benefits of React Error Boundaries with Suspense:

  1. Prevent Crashes: No more app crashes! Error boundaries stop errors from taking down your entire app by rendering fallback UIs instead.
  2. Performance Boost: Suspense ensures your app only renders components when they’re ready, leading to a snappier and more efficient user experience.
  3. Graceful Error Handling: Error boundaries handle errors gracefully, providing a better user experience than abrupt crashes.

Drawbacks of React Error Boundaries with Suspense:

  1. Complexity: Combining these features can add some complexity to your code as you manage how they work together.
  2. Limitations: Error boundaries can’t catch all errors, such as those that occur in the browser’s rendering engine.

React Error Boundaries with Suspense offer an incredible way to boost your app’s reliability and performance. By gracefully handling errors and optimizing rendering, you can provide users with a top-notch experience.

React Hooks Improvements

React Hooks are a new feature in React that allows you to use state and other React features without writing a class component. Hooks were first introduced in React 16.8, and they have been improved in 2023 with a number of new features.

Some of the React Hooks improvements in 2023 include:

  • New hooks: A number of new hooks have been added in 2023, including useRef, useTransition, and useMutableState. These new hooks can be used to perform a variety of tasks, such as managing references, animating components, and managing mutable state.
  • Improved performance: The performance of React Hooks has been improved in 2023. This is due to a number of factors, including the use of memoization and the optimization of the underlying code.
  • Better error handling: The error handling for React Hooks has been improved in 2023. This makes it easier to catch and handle errors that occur in hooks.
  • Better documentation: The documentation for React Hooks has been improved in 2023. This makes it easier to learn how to use hooks and to find information about specific hooks.

These improvements make React Hooks a more powerful and versatile tool for building React applications.

Here are some examples of when you might want to use React Hooks:

  • For managing state: Hooks can be used to manage state in a functional component. This can make your code more concise and easier to understand.
  • For animating components: Hooks can be used to animate components. This can make your components more interactive and engaging.
  • For managing mutable state: Hooks can be used to manage mutable state. This can be helpful for situations where you need to update state without triggering a re-render.

JSX Transform

JSX Transform is an amazing tool that converts JSX code into JavaScript, making it understandable to the browser. JSX is a user-friendly syntax that lets you create React components in a more concise and readable way.

Here’s how JSX Transform works: It takes your JSX code and magically transforms it into a series of calls to React.createElement() function. This special function is like a wizard that creates React elements in JavaScript.

Let’s see it in action with an example:

const MyComponent = () => {
  return (
      <h1>This is a heading</h1>
      <p>This is a paragraph</p>

After using JSX Transform, your code becomes:

const MyComponent = () => {
  return React.createElement(
    React.createElement("h1", null, "This is a heading"),
    React.createElement("p", null, "This is a paragraph")

The React.createElement() function needs some arguments, like the type of element to create, its attributes, and its children.

Now, why should you use JSX Transform?

  1. Concise and Readable Code: JSX makes your React code shorter and easier to read, making coding a breeze.
  2. Better Error Messages: JSX Transform helps catch errors in your JSX code early, so you can find and fix them faster.
  3. Build Tool Support: JSX Transform works smoothly with popular build tools like Webpack and Babel, making React usage a piece of cake.

JSX Transform is your secret weapon for creating cleaner, more efficient React code. Whether you’re a beginner or an expert, JSX Transform will make your React journey smoother and more enjoyable!


In this article, we discussed several exciting features and tools in React, including Concurrent Mode, React Server Components, React Query Integration, and the enhanced React DevTools Profiler. These advancements aim to improve React app performance, optimize data fetching, and enhance developer tools for better debugging and development experiences. Embracing these innovations can lead to faster, more efficient, and more user-friendly React applications.

Happy coding!

To read more about hooks refer to the links given below:

useEffect: The Effect Hook
useState: Managing State in React functional component

Why use React?
Fundamentals of Routing
How to Improve React Performance with Lazy Loading?
Next.js: The Powerhouse Framework for React Projects


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