Developing React apps requires careful consideration of state management, particularly when the application becomes more complex. Even though React comes with a built-in state management system, there are a tonne of third-party tools and frameworks that can help improve the effectiveness and scalability of state management. Zustand, a portable and adaptable state management tool, is one such library. We will look at using code snippets to implement Zustand in a React.js application in this article.
What is Zustand?
Zustand is a lightweight and straightforward state management library tailored for React applications. Its primary goal is to simplify the process of handling global state, reducing the need for excessive setup and boilerplate code. Notable characteristics of Zustand encompass its minimalistic API, the employment of hooks to facilitate state management, and its small package size. This makes Zustand an excellent option for a wide range of projects, spanning from small-scale endeavors to extensive applications.
Initiating a React Application
Prior to delving into Zustand, it’s necessary to establish a fundamental React application. If you haven’t already done so, you can initiate a fresh React application by employing Create React App:
npx create-react-app example-zustand
cd example-zustand
npm start
Adding Zustand to Your Project
You have the option to add Zustand to your project using either npm or yarn.
npm install zustand
yarn add zustand
Initiating a Zustand Store
Zustand stores serve as the space where you specify and oversee your application’s state. Now, we’ll establish a basic store to handle a counter within your application.
In a fresh file, like “counterStore.js,” proceed to outline your store:
import create from 'zustand';
const useCounterStore = create((set) => ({
count: 0,
increment: () => set((state) => ({ count: state.count + 1 })),
decrement: () => set((state) => ({ count: state.count - 1 })),
export default useCounterStore;
In this illustration, we employ Zustand’s create function to generate a store that oversees a counter. This store encompasses the initial state of “count” and introduces two functions to increase and decrease the counter.
Integrating Zustand into a React Component
With the Zustand store in place, you’re now equipped to employ it within your React components. We’ll proceed to craft a basic counter component that engages with the useCounterStore.
import React from 'react';
import useCounterStore from './counterStore';
function Counter() {
const { count, increment, decrement } = useCounterStore();
return (
<p>Count: {count}</p>
<button onClick={increment}>Increment</button>
<button onClick={decrement}>Decrement</button>
export default Counter;
Here, you import the useCounterStore hook, enabling you to access the “count” state as well as the “increment” and “decrement” functions within the store.
Using the Store in Different Components
To utilize the same store in other components, you can import and employ the useCounterStore hook within those components. This grants you access to the shared state throughout your application.
import React from 'react';
import useCounterStore from './counterStore';
function AnotherComponent() {
const { count } = useCounterStore();
return (
<p>Count in AnotherComponent: {count}</p>
export default AnotherComponent;
Through the utilization of the useCounterStore hook in both components, they gain the capability to access and modify the identical state.
Zustand is a lightweight and user-friendly state management library tailored for React applications. It streamlines the process of managing the global state by employing hooks and offering a concise API. Zustand enables the effortless creation and distribution of state across diverse components within your application. This article serves as a fundamental introduction to integrating Zustand into a React application, and you can further extend these principles to construct more intricate state management solutions.
This article will help you understand the concept of Zustand in a React.js Application. Thank you for reading my article.